Top VR Experiences

MUSURE world ⛩️
4 min readJun 9, 2022


Alex and Juani here

When we think about Virtual Reality, one of the first things to come to mind are expansive and grandiloquent videogames like the ones we see in movies like Tron or Ready Player One.

But even though the videogame industry is definitely making strides regarding VR, that’s not everything there is to it. Nowadays, there are hundreds of people, companies and startups creating wonderful projects and tools for Virtual Reality.

And today we want to show you some of our favorites.

BigScreen Cinema

Certainly one of the things we missed the most during quarantine was going to the cinema. It’s true that nowadays we have to any movie we could want on our own phones, but the experience is just not the same.

Luckily BigScreen Cinema is not only here to bring the cinema experience home, but also to improve on it. It offers a virtual reality cinema with a great variety of environments ranging from a classic movie theater, to campings or even spaceships, to watch by yourself or with friends.

BigScreen allows its users to enjoy an incredible and high quality experience, replicating screens up to 300 inches, so you can immerse yourself completely in your favorite movies and shows.


And for those who not only love movies but also dream of making them, we have Quill, an Oculus Rift tool by Saschka Unsled and Wesley Allsbrook, the creatives behind Dear Angelica, the first animated experience made in VR.

Quill is an incredible tool for painting and animation that allows frame-by-frame traditional animation as well as modern 3D modeling. Its wide variety of brushes, models, textures and other tools facilitate creation of all kinds of creative projects.

Definitely one of the more unique applications of Virtual Reality, and one that will surely define the kind of animation we’ll see in the future.

Tilt Brush

Following on the artistic path, we have a pioneer tool for Virtual Reality, Tilt Brush, created by Google in 2015.

Tilt Brush is still growing nowadays, being one of the more advanced 3D painting programs and expanding daily the possibilities for thousands of artists, be it professionals or amateurs.

But Tilt Brush’s capabilities don’t stop at simple painting. The different brushes allow users to create with fire, snow, ice and more, making pieces that they can freely move and interact with. In 2016 this tool was even used to design stage sets for the London National Theater.

This Google program is here to stay and keep leading the way regarding plastic art on virtual reality.

Museum of Other Realities

Speaking of ways to change art, the Museum of Other Realities is a unique creation that combines some of the best aspects of Virtual Reality.

In many ways it works as a real museum, with monthly rotating expositions, showcasing more than 20 digital artists simultaneously, who receive all the earnings gained by ticket sales.

Once you enter MOR you’ll find a set of incredible 3D digital art experiences that take advantage to the fullest the technological capabilities that VR has to offer.

We invite anyone who has the chance to take a look at this wonderful space that promotes art, accessibility and what this all means in the digital world.

Drops: Rhythm Garden

When it comes to music creation, Drops: Rhythm Garden is a fun and innovative app design to experiment with musical notes.

The special thing with Drops is, instead of giving you instruments, it allows you to create objects and materials for little drops to fall onto, generating new sounds.

This app takes up music experimentation to the next level. With basic object’s attributes like shape and material, giving you the freedom to play, create and explore what sounds you’re capable of creating.

And don’t worry about your expertise level. Thanks to Drops’ multiple customization options, users can adapt their musical creation to their every need. Ready to give it a shot?

Google Earth VR

Google Earth has existed over two decades now, but Virtual Reality has come to take it to the next level.

Travel without boundaries across the world with an intuitive program. You can guide yourself easily using the controllers and through search engines, bookmarks and even guided tours that turn your exploration into a relaxing journey.

The experience offered by Google Earth VR is truly amazing, giving the user complete freedom to travel anywhere in the world from their home. Let yourself be amazed by the views our beautiful planet has to offer.

Home — A VR Spacewalk

If you’ve ever dreamed of being in space, Home — A VR Spacewalk is the experience you’ve been waiting for. Produced by the BBC and de VR productions company REWIND, the critically acclaimed simulation is a clear example of what this technology is capable of.

The experience takes its inspiration from real training programs used by NASA, and even British astronaut Tim Peake has had the chance to try it out and was amazed at the level of detail and immersion achieved.

It’s time to set off. What are you waiting for to live a true space experience?

Virtual reality continues to open new doors and surprise us at every turn. This list does not even include half the programs, tools and amazing experiences that are out there. Tell us which are your favorites and maybe we’ll check them out for next time.

See you soon!

MUSURE world

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